Chair: Kathryn Reeves (Leicestershire County Council)
Gina Samuel-Richards (AGR Law)
Gaynor Rowley (Nelsons Solicitors)
Sarah Greaves (Straw and Pearce)
Kye Herbert (Clerksroom)
Vijay Kumar ( Michael Hill Partnerships)
Chair: Nicholas Foreman (K4Law)
Greg Hollingsworth (Hollingsworths Solicitors)
Non-contentious Business & Regulatory
Christl Hughes (Non Practicing)
Chindimna Nwaigwe (Geldards LLP)
Amir Ahmed ( Nelsons Solicitors)
Steven Mather (Steven Mather)
Chair: Amir Ahmed (Nelsons Solicitors)
Greg Hollingsworth (Hollingsworths Solicitors)
Christl Hughes (Non-Practising)
Angela Titley-Vial (Rich & Carr)
Matthew Olner (Nelsons Solicitors)
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